Our Story
Lavender Lark, a young college student aspiring to be a published writer, returns home for summer break to repair her family. While Lavender was away at college, her father and brother were able to rectify their traumas from the past.
But Lavender holds a deeper grudge. She fears she will make similar choices to her mother who abandoned her father in his time of need. When Lavender meets Dylan, everything changes. They find a true soul connection with each other, but Lavender’s guarded walls refuse to let Dylan in.
Hi. intertwines three tales of love and forgiveness during separate stages of life. Our story reveals how we can grow in love by finding forgiveness in the past and forgiveness in ourselves.

Meet the Lark Family
Lavender Lark
22-year-old college student. Aspires to be a published writer. Pessimistic. She builds up emotional walls to avoid heartbreak and struggles to forgive her mom for leaving her dad during his time of need.
Daniel Lark
16-year-old high school student. Lavender’s brother. Aspires to be a writer like his sister and mom. Innocent. He looks to break out of his shell and experience life to the fullest in order to have material to write about.
Peter Lark
Fifty-one-year old father. Lavender’s dad. Strong but sweetheart baker and painter. Owner of the family bakery. His car accident was the catalyst that sent his family falling apart. He strives to piece his family back together again.
Kat Lark
45, Lavender’s mom, a Pulitzer Prize winning novelist, ambitious, strong-willed, warm-hearted, aims to repair her relationship with her family.
Meet the Odair’s
Dylan Odair
24-year-old published author. Empathetic. Hopeful nature. Optimistic. Instead of attending college, he stays home to take care of his mom while they grieve from his dad’s suicide.
Ann Odair
48, Dylan’s mom, the kindest soul you’ll ever meet, has mentally fallen apart from her husband’s death and attempts to regain her strength while being involved in her son's life.